NE BOCES Summer Summit 2025
Type: School Safety clear filter
Wednesday, May 28

8:00am MDT

Project Unite: The Four Integrated Systems for School Violence Prevention
Wednesday May 28, 2025 8:00am - 4:00pm MDT
NASRO description of this workshop: This one-day workshop was created by the National Association of School Resource Officers and is entitled - Project Unite. The key components, or systems, of Project Unite, are (1) positive school culture and climate, (2) bystander reporting and response, (3) information sharing, and (4) behavioral threat and suicide assessment and management. Project Unite provides step-by-step guidance for implementing each component using a comprehensive approach informed by federal recommendations, research, and community policing principles.  Schools can adapt the implementation of these components to address their unique needs, resources, and students’ age and developmental levels.

The multidisciplinary school safety team should lead this effort. This training provides an overview of Project Unite, instruction on each key violence prevention system, and best practices for implementation. Modules include group discussions and team exercises to assist multidisciplinary school safety teams as they assess their current school safety systems and identify gaps and areas for improvement. Time is allotted for school safety teams to develop a violence prevention action plan in support of safety for their school.

Upon completion of this course, multidisciplinary school safety teams will possess the knowledge to implement violence prevention initiatives using a systems approach and be equipped with an actionable plan and next steps for strengthening their own school’s safety. Participants will also receive a participant manual containing tools and resources to assist in planning and implementation efforts.
avatar for Christine Harms

Christine Harms

Director, Office of School Safety
Wednesday May 28, 2025 8:00am - 4:00pm MDT
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NE BOCES Summer Summit 2025
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